Monthly Archives: February 2013

Stuck Detection

A while ago I took the task of improving the ‘stuck detection’ code in our game codenamed Size Matters, and I want to share this solution in case someone out there finds it useful.

This game features a player character which is essentially a circle with the ability to roll in both directions and traverse a level. What makes our game relatively unique is that it also has the ability to grow and shrink. This allows various interesting twists to what would otherwise be a fairly standard platformer type game.


The player can enter this vehicle by shrinking into the gaps and growing to fill the space in the middle. The player can provide torque to turn the wheels.

This introduces the issue of knowing when the player is allowed to grow. Obviously if the player is encased on all sides by walls or other colliders, then he should not be able to grow as that would cause spazzing and might even break the level design. If the player is only partially encased, then he may be able to grow, and pop out of a hole if needed. So we needed a way to determine when the player is considered stuck.

Our first approach was conceived during the game jam where the first prototype of this game was built. It was a hasty, naive approach which took contact-points from current collisions and compared the directions using the dot product. If the value exceeded a certain threshold, we considered them opposite and the player was considered stuck. This worked for the most obvious cases such as pipes, though there were still quite a few situations where it failed. It would not work with the vehicle in the image above.

For production I wanted something that actually worked reliably. I took a step back and reflected on the situation. What information do we have:

  • A circle
  • Several contactpoints on the circle
  • We might be stuck if we have at least three contactpoints. (We can ignore cases with two or fewer contactpoints)

Play around with this on a scratchpad or in a program like Cinderella and you’ll come to the following conclusion:

  • The player is stuck if any triangle possible with the current contactpoints overlaps the midpoint of the circle.


The next question then becomes, how do we figure out if the midpoint lies within the triangle? The answer lies in high-school geometry.

  • If and only if a triangle is acute (all angles smaller than a right angle), the circumcenter lies inside the triangle.
  • If and only if it is obtuse (has one angle bigger than a right angle), the circumcenter lies outside the triangle.

So we only need to check if one of the angles of the triangle is larger than a right angle. The easiest way to do that is to take the dot product of the directions of the two line segments. If the dot product is negative, that means the angle is greater than 90 degrees.

But wait.. How do we deal with more than three contact-points? We simply take the first contact points, and iterate over the rest in pairs. If any resulting triangle overlaps the midpoint, then the player is stuck.

Creating a spline level editor in Unity


As I am writing this, me and my team are almost done developing and polishing our game Size Matters from the GGJ 2012 for commercial release. The only things left to do are some art and gui work, and organizing and perfecting our collection of levels.

I’ve solved quite a few problems during the making of this game, and today I will be writing about one of them. First some background story.


The first prototype of the game was made during the Global Game Jam 2012 in Hilversum. We had a small team and thus we decided to rely heavily on Unity’s strengths namely built-in physics and ease-of-use. (In an ad-hoc team not everyone will be familiar with any chosen game engine) So we quickly made a fun game just by scaling and duplicating the standard cube, and using that in our levels. Anyone who’s seen the original trailer or played the game will realize it looks pretty blocky. This was the result of building everything out of cubes and together with our chosen art style, we did not need any artists.

After the jam was over and realizing we were going to develop this thing for real, I took the time to create a proper editor for level building to allow for smoother lines and an easier workflow than messing about with tons of cubes. Essentially, we wanted some kind of vector drawing editor in Unity. Goals of this system:

  • Allow for both straight line segments and curves
  • Easy to create and edit lines
  • Separation between visual and collision meshes

How it’s done


The first step is determining what data you need and how you want to organize it. For our purposes, it was logical to create a Line class inheriting from MonoBehaviour to stick on a gameObject. This meant we could make prefabs of lines or edit them directly in a scene.

This Line component then contains a list of serializable control points, which determine where it goes and how it curves. A ControlPoint has the following properties:

  • Vector3 Position
  • Vector3 Tangent1
  • Vector3 Tangent2
  • bool Curved

A ControlPoint also has the Handle1 and Handle2 properties, which are useful shortcuts to allow editing of the tangents in an intuitive way. While a tangent represents a direction and magnitude, a handle represents the position of the control point added to the tangent.

The boolean property Curved is not strictly necessary as it is also possible to set both tangents to zero and achieve a similar result, but it helps to simplify certain calculations in a later stage when the meshes are created.

There are many other ways to do curves, such as Catmull-rom and NURBS. We chose to use Bezier curves here because of the balance between complexity and flexibility. It’s also familiar to anyone who has used vector drawing programs such as Inkscape or Illustrator.

We’ll also store some extra settings in the Line to define visual line width, collider width, and curve resolution.


The second step is creating an editor to make this data accessible without having to dive into an obscure list to change numerical values at random. Here we  see another strength of Unity in it’s extendability. We can simply replace the default Line inspector with our own by creating a new class, inheriting from Editor and adding the CustomInspector attribute.

We can implement OnInspectorGUI to change the contents of the inspector itself, and we can implement OnSceneGUI to draw all our lines and edit handles in the scene view using the Handles class.

Every editor event, the OnSceneGUI method will iterate over all control points in the line and draw lines connecting them. For every control point, it will also draw handles for position and tangents so the level designer can simply drag them around the scene.

This is probably also the time where you start wondering about how to draw curves. Conveniently there is already a Handles.DrawBezier method available for us courtesy of Unity. But in the next stage, we will have to familiarize ourselves with the bezier function.

Of course sometimes special operations are needed so having functionality to select control points is also a good idea. This, for example, allows the user select a point and delete it, or select an endpoint and create new points from there onwards. These special operations can be triggered from the inspector, or in response to a shortcut, or both.

Another feature that turned out to be very useful is snapping. Unity editor handles give you raw data, so if you want any sort of snapping, you’ll have to do it yourself in the editor script.


Now that we have our data representation of lines and the ability to edit them, it is time to make them actually useful by generating meshes from them. Again we’ll divide this process up into several steps.

The first step is to take our collection of control points which define our line and convert it into something sensible to work with. We iterate over all control points and use them to create a list of straight line segments. For the normal control points this is simply copying their position. For the curved control points, we need to create some intermediate points to follow the curve’s shape at a predefined resolution. We iterate over these points while increasing a progress variable t from 0 to 1. We feed this to our cubic bezier function to get the required position at each point on the curve.

public static Vector3 Bezier3(Vector3 s, Vector3 st, Vector3 et, Vector3 e, float t) {
return (((-s + 3 * (st - et) + e) * t + (3 * (s + et) - 6 * st)) * t + 3 * (st - s)) * t + s;

Once we have this segmented line, the next step is to convert it into a Mesh. We can iterate over all the points and construct the mesh in parallel. Every line segment will correspond to two triangles, the size of which is dependent on the width of the line. Another approach is to simply create an outline and feed that to a polygon triangulation library.

Do this two times and you will have a render mesh and a collision mesh, both with different sizes. It is advisable to modify the collision mesh into something with depth, as Unity physics does not really like flat meshes.

And that’s how you make a 2D vector line editor in a 3d engine like Unity. Hopefully, some of you will find this post useful, or maybe you got some new ideas of your own.